The exact shape of the Earth is called an oblate spheroid. This means the Earth is slightly flattened at the poles and bulges at the equator due to its rotation. The equatorial diameter is larger than the polar diameter, making ...
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A human-made satellite is an artificial object intentionally placed into orbit around Earth or another celestial body. It serves various purposes like communication, weather monitoring, navigation, and scientific research. These satellites are launched using rockets and stay in orbit due ...
The closest planet to the Sun is Mercury. It orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 57.9 million kilometers (36 million miles). Mercury’s proximity to the Sun results in extreme temperature variations and a lack of a significant ...
Venus is considered Earth’s twin due to its similar size, mass, and proximity to the Sun. Both planets have comparable compositions and densities. However, despite these similarities, Venus has a harsh environment with extreme temperatures and a thick, toxic atmosphere, ...