Ahimsa, or non-violence, is central in Buddhism and Jainism, guiding moral behavior and compassion. Both philosophies extend ahimsa to thoughts, words, and actions, fostering kindness and reducing harm to all beings. class 6 Social Science Textbook Chapter 7 question answer class 6 ...
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As Nachiketa, I’d ask Yama about the soul’s destiny, the purpose of life, and how to achieve inner peace. I’d also inquire about karma, fate, and ways to live beyond material attachments. class 6 Social Science Textbook Chapter 7 question answer class ...
Folk and tribal traditions have enriched Indian culture by integrating unique art, music, and religious practices. These traditions often share values with mainstream beliefs, creating cultural unity. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots question answer Class 6 NCERT Social ...
In Buddhism and Jainism, ahimsa means non-violence in thought, word, and action, extending compassion towards all beings, fostering peaceful coexistence, and encouraging ethical choices in daily life. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 ...