Draw a family member in their usual profession, then imagine them in an unexpected role. Modify clothing, posture and surroundings to shift perception while maintaining their defining facial features and personality. Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 3 Portraying People solutions Class 6 ...
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Compare two Buddha depictions, such as the Gandhara and Gupta styles. Gandhara art shows Greek influence, sharp features and detailed robes, while Gupta art emphasizes spiritual serenity, softer features and symbolic gestures (mudras). Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 3 Portraying People ...
Facial features define a person’s identity. The shape of the nose, eyes and mouth conveys uniqueness and emotion. Accurately capturing them enhances realism and improves the expressiveness of a portrait. Class 6 Visual Arts Textbook chapter 3 Portraying People question answer Class ...