The Persians were the first to call India ‘Hind,’ derived from the Sanskrit ‘Sindhu’ for the Indus River, marking India’s northwest region and influencing future names like ‘Hindustan.’ Class 6 Social Science Chapter 5 India, That is Bharat question answer Class 6 ...
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India is called “India” due to the Greek word “Indos,” derived from the River Indus. Foreign influences popularized “India,” while “Bharat,” from ancient Sanskrit texts, reflects indigenous heritage. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science Chapter ...
India’s natural boundaries, such as the Himalayas and surrounding seas, provided protection, shaped cultural interactions, and allowed India’s unique civilization to develop with select external influences. Class 6 NCERT Social Science Tapestry of the Past Chapter 5 India, That is Bharat class ...
Ancient travelers visited India for trade, spirituality, knowledge, cultural exchange, and diplomacy, attracted by its wealth, religious teachings, advanced learning centers, and cultural richness. class 6 Social Science Textbook Chapter 5 question answer class 6 Social Science Chapter 5 India, That is ...
The earliest unified name for the Indian Subcontinent appears as ‘Bhāratavarṣha’ in texts like the Mahābhārata, encompassing today’s India and adjacent regions under one cultural identity. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 5 India, That is Bharat question answer Class 6 NCERT Social ...
The Indian Subcontinent’s natural boundaries include the Himalayas in the north, the Indian Ocean in the south, the Arabian Sea to the west, and the Bay of Bengal in the east. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 5 India, That is Bharat ...
Foreigners named India based on the ‘Sindhu’ River, adapting it to ‘Hind’ and later ‘India’. Persians, Greeks, and others used these terms due to linguistic adaptations. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 5 India, That is Bharat question answer Class 6 NCERT Social ...
‘Bharat’ is derived from ancient texts, symbolizing unity and cultural heritage. It denotes the land north of the ocean and south of the Himalayas, representing India’s identity and values. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 5 India, That is Bharat question answer Class ...