Mountain slopes are often covered with montane forests, where conifer trees such as pines, firs, spruce, and deodar are common. These trees have a tall, cone-shaped structure and thin, pointed leaves. Class VI NCERT Social Science NCERT Social Science Textbook ...
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Snow is precipitation of water in a solid state that falls in cold conditions, while rain is liquid, and hailstones are solid ice pellets formed during thunderstorms. Class VI NCERT Social Science NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and ...
Anamudi, also known as ‘Anai Peak’, located in Kerala, is the highest mountain in South India. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landform and life NCERT Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6
Snow is precipitation in solid form, covering the landscape in a white blanket when it is cold enough. It is commonly found in Himalayan regions such as Kashmir, Ladakh, and Sikkim. Class VI NCERT Social Science NCERT Social Science Textbook ...
Hills are highlands with a lower height than mountains, less steep slopes, and rounded tops, while mountains are taller with steep slopes and narrow summits. Class VI Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science Chapter 3 Landform ...