We grew crops like brinjals, cucumbers, and coriander. These were recorded in Table 1.5 by listing their names, associated costs of materials, harvested quantity (in numbers or weight) and their respective market prices. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 ...
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The crops harvested were brinjal, cucumber, and coriander. These crops were grown in the school kitchen garden, reflecting the variety and health benefits of vegetables and herbs cultivated as per the project guidelines. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter ...
Fencing acts as a barrier, preventing animals and pests from damaging plants. It protects the garden, ensures safe plant growth, and prevents accidental trampling, maintaining the integrity and productivity of the kitchen garden. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter ...
Next time, I will plan a better watering schedule, use organic pesticides proactively, and choose plants suited to the local climate. I will also create a detailed timeline for each activity to enhance efficiency. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Chapter ...
The number of poles and length of string depend on the garden’s dimensions. Measure the area to calculate these requirements. Typically, poles are spaced evenly and the string length matches the total perimeter. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Chapter 1 ...
Each type of seed was planted according to its recommended depth, as mentioned on the seed packets or guidance from experts. Depths varied depending on seed size, typically between 1 to 5 centimeters. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Project 1 ...
Mulching suppresses weed growth by blocking sunlight from reaching the soil surface, which prevents weed seeds from germinating. It also helps maintain soil moisture and reduces competition for nutrients among plants. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 Work with ...
The stake’s height and thickness depend on the plant’s growth and weight. Taller plants require higher stakes, while heavier plants need thicker ones to provide stability and prevent bending or breaking under pressure. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter ...
Bedding materials include kitchen waste, fallen leaves, garden waste and other biodegradable materials. Organic waste from the midday meal, home or nearby restaurants can also be used to create the bedding layers. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Project 1 School ...
Materials used include a plastic bin with drainage holes, kitchen waste, fallen leaves, garden waste, and red earthworms. The bin was covered with a tarpaulin to maintain moisture and prevent pests. Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 1 School ...