The title ‘Buddha’ means the ‘enlightened’ or ‘awakened’ one. Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots Class 6 NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Session 2024-2025.
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Uddālaka compared brahman to the invisible seed of a banyan fruit that contains the future tree and to clay that forms various pots, symbolizing that everything originates from the same essence, brahman. NCERT Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Class ...
The Upaniṣhads introduced the ideas of rebirth, karma (actions and their results), ātman (Self), and brahman (the universal divine essence). Class VI NCERT Social Science NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Session 2024-2025.
The Vedic hymns were composed by rishis (male sages) and rishikas (female sages) in an early form of Sanskrit. Class VI NCERT Social Science NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Session 2024-2025.
UNESCO recognized Vedic chanting as a “masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity” for its meticulous oral preservation across generations. Class VI Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots Session ...