Regional languages often convey complex meanings with single words that require multiple words in English. This reflects cultural richness and specific relationships, which may lack direct equivalents in English vocabulary. Class 6 NCERT Social Science Governance and Democracy Chapter 9 Family ...
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A community is a flexible concept that includes groups connected by religion, region, work, or interests. Examples range from local groups like a village’s farming community to broader categories like religious or professional groups. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India ...
Being part of a school club involves teamwork and responsibility, with roles assigned for organizing activities and events. Members collaborate to achieve goals, enhancing skills like leadership, communication, and creativity in a shared environment. class 6 Social Science Textbook Chapter 9 ...
Yes, society can be unfair to underprivileged children, as they lack equal access to education, healthcare, and resources. Addressing these gaps ensures a fairer society where every child can thrive. Class 6 NCERT Social Science Governance and Democracy Chapter 9 Family ...