Draw a 6 cm base. At each endpoint, construct perpendiculars of 6 cm. Connect the endpoints of the perpendiculars to complete the square, ensuring all sides are equal and angles measure 90 degrees. Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 8 Playing with Constructions ...
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
Rotating a square does not change its properties. Its sides remain equal, and its angles are still 90 degrees. Thus, the rotated figure continues to satisfy the conditions of a square. Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Playing with Constructions Class 6 Mathematics ...
Draw two overlapping arcs using a compass. Align the compass tip on estimated positions to ensure the upper and lower curves form a symmetrical oval. Repeat until the curves resemble an eye shape. Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Playing with Constructions Class ...
Start with a central line of specified length. Use the compass to draw consecutive arcs of equal radius, alternating above and below the line. Adjust measurements to create identical and symmetrical waves. class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 8 question answer class 6 ...