Plants and animals both undergo life cycles involving birth, growth, reproduction, and death. Differences include plant reproduction through seeds or spores and animals through mating, while animals often have complex developmental stages compared to simpler plant cycles.
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
No, a car is not living despite its movement. Movement alone does not define life. Cars do not grow, reproduce, or respond to stimuli. They lack metabolic processes and cellular organization, which are essential characteristics of living beings.
Yes, animals and plants are considered living despite not moving from one place to another. They exhibit other signs of life, such as growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli. Movement is just one of many characteristics defining life.
Yes, plants excrete waste. They release oxygen during photosynthesis and expel excess water and gases through stomata in leaves. Some waste products also accumulate in leaves and are shed when the leaves fall, helping to manage waste.
White patches form on shirts around the armpits due to the buildup of sweat and deodorant. Sweat contains salts and proteins that can leave residues, which, combined with deodorants, create these white stains on clothing, especially in hot weather.
Yes, plants respire. They take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, just like animals, through a process called respiration. This occurs in all parts of the plant, including roots, stems, and leaves, and is essential for energy production.
Yes, breathing in animals like dogs, cats, cows, and buffaloes involves noticeable processes. They inhale and exhale air through their noses or mouths, with visible movements of their chest or abdomen. Breathing patterns vary by species but are essential for ...
For seed germination, water and air are essential, while sunlight is not always necessary. Seeds need water to activate growth processes and oxygen from the air for respiration. Sunlight is crucial for some seeds but not all; it depends on ...
A seed is considered living because it contains dormant embryonic plants that can grow under the right conditions. While it may not show activity in its dry state, it can germinate, grow, and develop into a new plant, indicating life.
Yes, sunlight affects the direction of plant growth. Phototropism causes stems to grow towards light, while roots generally grow away from light. This ensures that leaves maximize sunlight for photosynthesis while roots remain in soil, seeking nutrients and water.