Buntee licked the farmer’s hand to show gratitude and affection. After being set free to reunite with Gajaraj, Buntee expressed his thanks through this small, loving gesture. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit 2 Chapter 1 The Unlikely Best Friends class 6 ...
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The mahout noticed Gajaraj was sad when he refused to eat his favorite food for several days. This unusual behavior signaled to the mahout that Gajaraj was emotionally distressed, missing Buntee. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 2 Chapter 1 The Unlikely ...
The answer is “lonely.” Gajaraj, like the mahout’s kindness, is described as feeling lonely due to the absence of a friend. His loneliness changes after meeting Buntee, forming a deep bond with the dog. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 2 ...
Gajaraj did not eat his food because he was sad and missing his friend, Buntee. The emotional bond they shared caused him to lose interest in eating after Buntee was taken away. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 2 Chapter 1 The ...
Gajaraj and Buntee share a unique bond characterized by love, trust, and companionship. Their friendship overcomes differences in species and size, highlighting the power of unlikely friendships. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 2 Chapter 1 question answer class 6 English Poorvi ...