Historical portraits focus on realism, grandeur and formal attire, often using oil paints. Modern portraits embrace diverse styles, including abstraction and digital techniques, emphasizing emotion, creativity and contemporary artistic freedom. Class 6 Visual Arts Textbook chapter 3 Portraying People question answer Class ...
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Draw yourself in five professions, like a scientist, musician, athlete, chef and pilot. Clothing, posture and props (e.g., a stethoscope for a doctor) help visually define each role’s unique characteristics. Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 3 Portraying People solutions Class 6 Visual ...
Imagination allows artists to visualize themselves in different professions or settings. By changing clothing, accessories and expressions, they can depict various roles, such as a doctor, musician or astronaut, adding creativity to their self-portrait. Class 6 Visual Arts Textbook chapter 3 ...