The Kushan period (Gandhara style) depicted Buddha with Greek influence, sharp features and wavy hair. The Gupta period introduced softer, idealized forms with serene expressions, fluid robes and symbolic hand gestures (mudras). Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 3 Portraying People solutions Class ...
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Draw a society where clothing does not indicate profession—doctors in casual wear, farmers in suits. Use expressive body language and settings to suggest roles, challenging stereotypes and redefining identity beyond external appearances. Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I Portraying People question answer Class ...
Discussing drawings with peers provides constructive feedback, helping artists refine techniques. Observing different styles, learning from mistakes and exchanging ideas enhance creativity, improving overall artistic skills and appreciation for different perspectives. Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I Portraying People question answer Class 6 ...