We discussed how nature provides colors, patterns and movement for artists. Observing landscapes, animals and seasonal changes helps develop creativity. Using natural elements also connects art with sustainability and cultural traditions. Class 6 Arts Kriti-I Chapter 2 Changing the Typical Picture ...
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Subham Kumar
Asked: In: Class 6
Artists used natural tools like brushes made from animal hair, stone carvings and handmade pigments. Techniques included engraving, fresco painting and natural dyeing, allowing them to create detailed and long-lasting visual artworks. Class 6 Arts Kriti-I Chapter 2 Changing the Typical ...
Mayur Arya
Asked: In: Class 6
Museums and artist studios showcase various artworks, materials, and techniques. They provide insight into different artistic styles, historical influences, and creative processes, helping students learn new methods and develop their own artistic skills. Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I Changing the Typical ...