Make a list of items that you would like to take with you. NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor) Chapter 12 Chandrayaan Nep 2020 Page no. 122 Question B
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1. Rani was very curious. How do you know? 2. What did Pratik say excitement? 3. Who was Nandini Aunty? 4. What do the words Chandra and Yaan means? 5. Complete the sentence: Chandrayaan-3 landed on the Moon on _______________. NCERT ...
1. I call the Moon, Chanda Mama. What do you call him in your language? 2. Chanda Mama was not able to count the stars. What things can you not count? 3. The Moon is visible during the night. What ...
1. Does the moon look the same every night? 2. What did Chanda Mama try to count? 3. Why did Chanda Mama fall asleep? 4. Who helped Chanda Mama? 5. Complete the sentence: The number of stars in the sky ...
1. What different colours do we get to see during sunrise and sunset? 2. What do you see when you look at the sky at night? 3. How do you fell when you open your eyes in the morning? 4. ...
1. Where does the Sun go after the end of the day? 2. Which among the following needs the Sun? Why? a) sunflower b) toys c) plants d) table e) children 3. The poem talks about the Sun in the ...
1. Have you experienced hiccups? 2. What do you do when you get hiccups? 3. Do you think water is important? Why do you think so? 4. If you were in Madhu’s place, what would you wish for and why? NCERT ...
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1. The farmer in the story grew fruits. What else can a farmer grow? 2. Are there women farmers? Do you know any? 3. If you meet a farmer, what would you say to them? NCERT 2024-25 Class 3 English (Santoor)
1. What did the farmer grow on his farm? 2. What did his wife say? 3. Why did the farmer decide to take the grapes? 4. What did the King do playfully? 5. Why did the farmer say, Thank God!? NCERT ...