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The main criterion used by the World Bank in classifying different countries Per Capita Income. The limitations of this criterion are mentioned below: Per capita income can be a useful tool for comparison but it is not accurate enough to show ...
Sustainable development means that the development at present should not come at a cost of depletion of other resources and should not hamper the needs of the future generation of society. Development should be done without damaging the environment. Sustainable ...
25 अवलोकनों का मध्यक 12 है, और दूसरे 15 अवलोकनों का मध्यक 20 है, तो सभी 40 अवलोकनों का मध्यक ज्ञात करो।
it would be useful if you upload cbse class 10 science practise paper 2
Provide proper answers on the basis of standard 10 cbse.