A comet is a small icy object that orbits the Sun. It is made of dust, gas, and ice. When a comet comes close to the Sun, the heat causes the ice to melt and release gas and dust, forming ...
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Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the Sun, mostly found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. They are smaller than planets and can vary in size, ranging from tiny rocks to large bodies several hundred kilometers wide. Unlike ...
The Moon has no atmosphere because its gravity is too weak to hold gases around it. Unlike Earth, the Moon’s small size and low mass cannot trap gases to form a protective layer. Without an atmosphere, there is no air, ...
Craters on the Moon are bowl-shaped holes formed when meteors or asteroids hit its surface. These impacts happened millions of years ago because the Moon has no atmosphere to burn up space objects before they crash. Craters vary in size, ...
The Moon takes about 27.3 days to complete one orbit around the Earth. This period is called a sidereal month. However, because the Earth is also moving around the Sun, it takes slightly longer—29.5 days—for the Moon to go from ...
Stars are massive, glowing balls of gas that produce their own light and heat, like our Sun. They appear to twinkle in the night sky because of the Earth’s atmosphere. Planets, on the other hand, do not produce their own ...
India’s first mission to the Moon was called Chandrayaan-1, launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in 2008. It was a significant milestone for India in space exploration. The mission’s main goal was to survey the Moon’s surface and ...
Light pollution occurs when artificial lights from cities and towns make the night sky bright, making it hard to see stars and other celestial objects. It affects astronomy because it blocks our view of the stars, planets, and galaxies. This ...
Astronomers study distant stars and planets by using telescopes to observe them. Telescopes can be ground-based or placed in space to capture light and images from faraway objects. They analyze the light, colors, and other signals received to learn about ...
Natural satellites are objects that orbit planets, and they are not made by humans. The Moon is an example of a natural satellite, as it orbits the Earth. Natural satellites can vary in size and shape, and they are held ...