Ionisation energy of an atom is defined as the energy required to remove an electron from ground state energy level to its free state. Ionisation energy of hydrogen is E = + me⁴/ 8€o²n²h² = + 13.6 eV . Class ...
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Two important limitations of Rutherford nuclear model of the atom are as follows: (i) An electron revolving in a circular orbit is an example of accelerated motion. According to classical Physics, a particle in accelerated motion must radiate energy. Consequently, ...
Basic assumptions of Rutherford’s atom model are as follows: (i) The nucleus of an atom contains whole positive charge and almost whole mass of the atom. Size of a nucleus is extremely small as compared to the overall size of ...
Due to fall of electron from higher to lower energy level, the difference in energy is emitted in the form of electromagnetic radiation only because electrons can interact only electromagnetically. Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms Session 2024-2025.
Total length of an orbital path of electron in nth state of atom should be in times (where n is an integer), the value of de-Broglie wavelength λ.. Thus, 2πτη = η λde. Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms Session ...
According to Bohr’s quantum condition, the angular momentum of an electron in its stationary (or stable) orbit should be an integer multiple of h/2π i.e., Ln = m vn.rn = n h/2π , where n is a positive integer.
Impact parameter (b) is the perpendicular distance of the velocity vector of the alpha-particle from the central line of nucleus, when the particle is far away from the nucleus. Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms Session 2024-2025.
It is the distance from nucleus at which an energetic a-particles approaching directly towards the nucleus, retraces its path through 180°. At distance of closest approach speed of a-particle is zero. Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms Session 2024-2025.
From large angle scattering of a-particles we conclude that almost whole mass and whole positive charge of the atom is concentrated in a tiny space, called nucleus, at the centre of atom. Class 12 Physics Chapter 12 Atoms Session 2024-2025.