The Kuiper Belt is significant as it contains many small, icy bodies and dwarf planets. It lies beyond Neptune and provides valuable information about the early solar system and the formation of planets.
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A black hole is a region in space with such strong gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape. It forms when a massive star collapses under its own gravity after exhausting its nuclear fuel.
Yes, you can find constellations or stars from your location using star charts or astronomy apps. The visibility of specific stars and constellations depends on the time of year, your location, and the weather conditions.
Yes, we can identify planets by their distinct motion and steady light. Unlike constellations, which form recognizable patterns of stars, planets move along the ecliptic path and shine steadily, making them distinguishable from the fixed stars in constellations.
Planets not visible to the naked eye can be seen using telescopes. These instruments magnify distant objects, allowing us to observe planets that are too faint or distant to be seen without optical assistance.
The Milky Way Galaxy, or Akasha Ganga, is a vast spiral galaxy containing our solar system. It features a central bulge, spiral arms, and a surrounding halo of stars, gas, and dust, forming a bright band across the night sky.
The Indian Institute of Astrophysics chose Hanle, Ladakh, for its observatory due to its clear skies, low light pollution, and minimal atmospheric turbulence. The high altitude also offers excellent visibility and stable weather conditions for astronomical observations.
A snail uses its shell for protection and support. The shell is a hard, external structure that safeguards the snail’s soft body from predators and environmental hazards and helps maintain moisture levels.
Non-living things cannot show genuine responses to stimuli. Any apparent response is due to mechanical or chemical processes rather than biological reactions, as non-living entities lack the complexity of living systems.
Shells do not move because they are hard, non-living structures. Movement in living creatures is generally facilitated by their muscles and other biological systems, while the shell remains stationary for protection.