Inspired by Peepal Baba’s journey, the boy decided to follow his example and care for trees. He learned the importance of planting and protecting trees and was motivated to spread the message to others. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 Nurturing ...
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The neem tree’s leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, and roots are all used in preparing traditional medicines, providing remedies for various ailments and diseases like measles, coughs, and skin irritations. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 Nurturing Nature Class 6 English Poorvi Unit ...
Neem Baba cannot recall the exact year of his birth because he was born millions of years ago in North India or Myanmar, and over time, his family has spread to other parts of the world. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi ...
Two surprising facts about neem are its ability to stop mosquitoes from breeding in stagnant water and that its leaves, bark, flowers, fruits, and roots are all used for medicinal purposes. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter 1 question ...
The neem tree symbolizes the deep connection between humans and nature through its medicinal, environmental, and agricultural benefits, showcasing how natural resources can sustain and support human life. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter 1 Neem Baba Class 6 English NCERT ...
Neem is essential in traditional medicine, used to treat skin diseases, fever, and infections. Its leaves, bark, and oil have antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter 1 question answer class 6 English Poorvi Unit 3 ...