There is no atmosphere on the Moon because its escape velocity is less than the root mean square velocity of atoms. This means that gas molecules on the Moon can easily escape into space due to insufficient gravitational pull, resulting ...
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The historical tower of Pisa does not fall even though it is tilted because the vertical line passing through its center of gravity passes through the base. This alignment helps stabilize the tower and prevent it from collapsing despite its ...
An astronaut can jump higher on the lunar surface than on the Earth’s surface because the force of gravity on the lunar surface is very less as compared to the Earth’s surface. This weaker gravity allows the astronaut to exert ...
It is easier to roll a wooden cylindrical barrel instead of pulling it because the friction force of rolling state is much less than the friction force of sliding state. Rolling reduces friction compared to sliding, making it easier to ...
Walking on snow is more difficult than walking on the road because there is less friction in snow than on the road. The uneven surface and lower friction of snow make it harder to gain traction and maintain stability while ...
Bacteria are not able to survive in pickles with excess salt because their protoplasms get shrunk due to osmotic pressure, leading to dehydration and death. This process, called plasmolysis, inhibits bacterial growth and preserves the pickles.