Rudra Ponkshe Asked: November 14, 2019In: Class 9 What is the kinetic energy of an object of mass 20kg at a height of 4m Please help by telling answer physicswork and energy
Anonymous Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 Working of institution briefly describe the arrangements made by the indian constitution in order to ensure proper functioning of the indian democracy
Indu Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 Why are lysosomes known as ‘suicide-bags’ of a cell? Answers in brief. biologycbseclass 9ncert solutionsscience
Indu Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 Why does the skin of your finger shrink when you wash clothes for a long time? Give reason. biologycbseclass 9 biologyscience
Indu Asked: November 11, 2019In: Class 9 Why is endocytosis found in animals only? give answers as per 9th standard. biologycbseclass 9ncertscience