The permeability of epithelial cells regulates the exchange of materials between the body and the external environment, as well as between different parts of the body. It helps maintain homeostasis by controlling the passage of substances such as nutrients, gases, ...
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Shayam Lal Verma
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Shayam Lal Verma
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Shayam Lal Verma
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Shayam Lal Verma
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Connective tissue provides structural support and connects various parts of the body. Unlike epithelial tissue, which lines surfaces, or nervous tissue, which transmits signals, connective tissue primarily consists of cells dispersed in an extracellular matrix. It includes blood, bone, cartilage, ...