Oral sources, such as folklore and traditional stories, capture historical events, beliefs, and values passed down through generations, adding cultural context and local perspectives to written records. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science Chapter 4 ...
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Scientists, like geneticists and chemists, analyze materials from historical sites. Their findings, such as ancient climates or DNA, complement historical sources, providing a deeper view of the past. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 4 Timeline and Sources of History question answer Class ...
To calculate the span between BCE and CE dates, add both numbers and subtract one. This compensates for the lack of a year zero in the Gregorian calendar. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 4 Timeline and Sources of History question answer Class ...
The Common Era (CE) starts from the traditional year of Jesus Christ’s birth. BCE, or Before Common Era, counts backward from this date, both commonly used in modern historical studies. Class 6 NCERT Social Science Tapestry of the Past Chapter 4 ...
Professions mentioned include agriculturist, weaver, potter, builder, carpenter, healer, dancer, barber, and priest, indicating a variety of occupations in early Vedic society. Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots Class 6 NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Session 2024-2025.