Mercury thermometers are being replaced by digital thermometers for safety and convenience. Mercury is a toxic substance, and if the thermometer breaks, it can be harmful to health and the environment. Digital thermometers are safer, more accurate, and easier to ...
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The normal body temperature of a healthy person is around 37°C (98.6°F). However, it can vary slightly from person to person and during the day. It may be a little lower in the morning and higher in the evening. A ...
A digital thermometer is used to measure body temperature. To use it, you should turn on the thermometer and place the sensor at the underarm, mouth, or rectum, depending on the type. Keep it in place until the thermometer beeps, ...
A clinical thermometer is used to measure body temperature. It is commonly used by doctors and nurses to check if a person has a fever or normal body temperature. A clinical thermometer has a narrow range, usually from 35°C to ...
We cannot always rely on touch to judge temperature because our sense of touch can be misleading. For example, if you place one hand in cold water and the other in warm water, and then put both hands into room-temperature ...