In a representative democracy, elected officials make decisions on behalf of the people. Citizens vote for representatives, such as members of parliament or congress, who are entrusted to act in the public’s interest by creating laws, shaping policies, and making ...
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
The primary function of the executive branch of government is to enforce and implement laws. Headed by the president, prime minister, or equivalent, this branch is responsible for ensuring that legislation passed by the legislative branch is carried out effectively. ...
The term “democracy” literally means “rule by the people,” originating from the Greek words “demos” (people) and “kratos” (power or rule). In a democracy, the citizens have the authority to participate in decision-making, either directly or through elected representatives. It ...
The legislative branch of the government is responsible for making laws. This branch, often referred to as the legislature or parliament, debates, drafts, and passes legislation that governs a country or state. In democratic systems, the legislature is typically made ...
Governance refers to the processes, systems, and structures used to make decisions, implement policies, and ensure accountability within an organization, institution, or society. It encompasses the mechanisms for managing power and resources, as well as the rules and practices that ...
The Ṛig Veda refers to the northwest region of the Indian Subcontinent as ‘Sapta Sindhava,’ which means ‘land of the seven rivers.’ NCERT Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Class 6 Social Science NCERT Chapter 5 India, That ...
Latitude and longitude form a grid system on Earth. Latitude measures north-south position, and longitude measures east-west. Their intersection provides a precise point, marking any location on the globe. Class 6 Social Science Chapter 1 Locating Places on the Earth question ...
Places on Earth are located using a grid system formed by lines of latitude and longitude. These imaginary lines intersect to give precise coordinates for any location on the planet. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India and Beyond Class 6 Social ...
We can locate a place on Earth using a coordinate system of latitude and longitude, which provides exact points based on distance north-south from the Equator and east-west from the Prime Meridian. Class 6 Social Science Exploring Society: India and Beyond Class ...
Social science helps us understand human societies, cultures, and geography. Concepts like longitude and latitude are essential in understanding locations, trade, history, and human interactions across the globe. class 6 Social Science Textbook Chapter 1 question answer class 6 Social Science Chapter ...