To separate sand and salt, we can use dissolution and filtration. First, add water to the mixture of sand and salt. The salt will dissolve in the water, but the sand will not. Next, filter the mixture using filter paper. ...
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The method used to separate oil from water is called separation using a separating funnel. Oil and water do not mix, so they form two separate layers when put together. The oil, being less dense than water, floats on top. ...
Winnowing is a method used to separate lighter particles, like husk or chaff, from heavier grains, such as rice or wheat. In this process, farmers toss the mixture into the air, allowing the wind to blow away the lighter husk ...
Popatrao Pawar introduced water conservation methods and tree planting, turning Hiware Bazar into a prosperous, green village and earning the Padma Shri award in 2020 for his efforts. NCERT Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Class VI Social ...
Farmers perform threshing to separate grains, like wheat or rice, from the stalks and husks after harvesting. This process makes it easier to collect only the useful grains, which can be stored, sold, or used as food. Threshing helps remove ...
Threshing is a process used to separate grains from the harvested stalks. After crops like wheat or rice are harvested, the grains need to be separated from the stalks and husks. Threshing can be done by beating the harvested crop ...
Bal Panchayat members persuade parents and adults to send children to school rather than arrange early marriages, supporting children’s right to education. NCERT Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Class 6 Chapter 11 Grassroots Democracy – Part 2 ...
Churning is used to separate butter from buttermilk in milk products. When milk is churned, the fat in the milk separates and forms butter, while the remaining liquid becomes buttermilk. This process helps to make butter and also reduces the ...
To separate iron nails mixed with sand, we can use a magnet. Since iron is a magnetic material, it will be attracted to the magnet, while the sand will remain behind. By moving the magnet over the mixture, the iron ...
Sedimentation is useful in everyday life for separating heavier particles from liquids. For example, when muddy water is left undisturbed, the soil particles settle at the bottom, and clear water remains on top. This process is used in water treatment ...