The term anekantavada refers to the Jain principle of “many-sidedness” or the idea that reality can be viewed from different perspectives. According to the class 6th social science NCERT, this concept teaches that truth is complex and can be understood ...
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Secondary economic activities involve transforming raw materials from the primary sector into finished goods. These activities include manufacturing, construction, and utility services. They depend on primary sector outputs to create products that can be consumed or sold. Class VI Book ...
The Vedic and tribal traditions are interconnected in several ways, as described in the class 6th social science NCERT. While the Vedic tradition focused on rituals, sacrifices, and hymns dedicated to gods, the tribal traditions were more centered around nature ...
The Sangha in Buddhism refers to the community of monks, nuns, and lay followers who follow the teachings of the Buddha. According to the class 6th social science NCERT, the Sangha plays a crucial role in preserving and spreading the ...
The Eightfold Path in Buddhism is a guide to ethical and mental development that leads to enlightenment and the cessation of suffering. According to the class 6th social science NCERT, it consists of eight practices: right understanding, right intention, right ...
Siddhartha Gautama, who later became the Buddha, was born into a royal family and lived a sheltered life. According to the class 6th social science NCERT, he was deeply troubled by the sights of old age, sickness, and death when ...
In both Buddhism and Jainism, ahimsa means non-violence or the principle of not causing harm to any living being. According to the class 6th social science NCERT, in Jainism, ahimsa is one of the core principles, emphasizing complete harmlessness in ...
The most common primary activities are agriculture (farming), mining (coal and minerals), fishing, livestock raising, and forestry. These sectors provide basic materials that are essential for the economy and other sectors to function effectively. NCERT Book Exploring Society India and ...
In Buddhism, avidya refers to ignorance or lack of understanding about the true nature of reality. According to the class 6th social science NCERT, avidya is considered the root cause of human suffering, as it leads people to misunderstand the ...
Mahavira was the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism, born in the 6th century BCE in present-day Bihar, India. He was a prince named Vardhamana before he renounced his royal life and became an ascetic. After years of deep meditation ...