Multiply each wicket count (0–7) by its frequency and sum the results. For example: (0 × 2) + (1 × 4) + (2 × 6) + … + (7 × 1) = Total wickets. Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Data Handling ...
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The oldest municipal corporation in India is the Municipal Corporation of Chennai, formerly known as the Madras Corporation. It was established in 1688 during British colonial rule. The corporation is responsible for the governance and administration of the city of ...
Horizontal bars are better for representing river lengths, as they align with the natural flow of rivers. This format allows for an intuitive comparison of lengths and makes the data visually clear. Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Data Handling and Presentation Class ...
Vertical bars are preferable for representing mountain heights because they mimic the upward direction of mountains, making the graph intuitive and visually suggestive of the data’s context. Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Data Handling and Presentation Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 4 Data ...
Ward committees are responsible for addressing local issues within a specific area of a city or town. They play a key role in planning and implementing development activities, such as improving roads, sanitation, and public services. The committee helps prioritize ...
In 2006, there were approximately 1400 tigers, increasing to 3700 by 2022. The total increase over 16 years was 2300, showing the positive impact of conservation programs like Project Tiger. class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 4 question answer class 6 Mathematics Chapter ...
In urban governance, a ward is a local administrative unit within a city or town, typically the smallest unit of local government. Each ward is represented by an elected member known as a ward councilor. Wards are created to divide ...
Saturday had the most saplings planted. Weekends often have higher participation due to people’s availability. Variation in planting depends on work schedules, weather conditions, or specific events encouraging participation. class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 4 question answer class 6 Mathematics Chapter 4 ...
Bikes were used the most, with the highest frequency in the data. They dominated the list of observed means of transport, reflecting their popularity for short-distance travel in the area. class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 4 question answer class 6 Mathematics Chapter ...
Urban local bodies are important because they ensure the effective management and development of cities and towns. They are responsible for providing essential services like water, sanitation, healthcare, and education to urban populations. These bodies help in addressing urban-specific issues ...