The water drops come from the steam (water vapor) that rises from the boiling water. When this vapor touches the cold steel plate, it condenses into liquid water droplets. Chapter 8 A Journey through States on Water Class VI NCERT ...
Category: Class 6 Science
NCERT Solutions and Important Questions for class 6 Science for CBSE exams 2020-2021.
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Dew drops form more in the morning because the temperature is cooler, causing the water vapor in the air to condense into liquid droplets on the cold surfaces of plants. NCERT Book Curiosity Science Class 6 Class 6 Science NCERT ...
As you rub hand sanitizer on your hands, it evaporates and disappears. Chapter 8 A Journey through States on Water Class VI NCERT Book Curiosity Science Session 2024-2025.
The water disappears from puddles due to both (i) seeping of water into the ground and (ii) evaporation of water. NCERT Book Curiosity Science Class 6 Chapter 8 A Journey through States on Water
Examples of evaporation that occur at room temperature include the drying of wet clothes, the disappearance of sweat from our body, and the drying of a mopped floor. Chapter 8 A Journey through States on Water Class VI NCERT Book ...
Yes, water also disappears from the surface of utensils after they have been washed, which is another example of evaporation. NCERT Science Textbook Curiosity Science Session 2024-2025.
The water in puddles disappears due to the process of evaporation, where water turns into vapor and mixes with the air. Chapter 8 A Journey through States on Water Class VI NCERT Book Curiosity Science
Aavi and Thirav noticed that some of the water in the puddles had disappeared by the evening, even though it was there in the morning. NCERT Book Curiosity Science Class 6 Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 8
The lowest temperature that can be achieved is close to –273.15 °C, also known as 0 kelvin. This temperature is called absolute zero. NCERT Science Textbook Curiosity Science Session 2024-2025.
No, there is no limit on the highest temperature that can exist in the universe according to current scientific understanding. Chapter 7 Temperature and its Measurement Class VI NCERT Book Curiosity Science