When the temperature of a conductor material is increased, its electrical resistance increases while its electrical conductivity decreases. This is because the increased thermal energy causes more frequent collisions between the charge carriers and the atoms in the material, impeding ...
Category: Class 10 Science
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science and important questions for CBSE class 10 for session 2020-2021
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Substances which do not have free electrons in their normal state, but can obtain free electrons under special conditions like high temperature or addition of impurities, are called semiconducting substances. These materials are crucial in modern electronics, as their conductivity ...
Arsenic is not a semiconductor. Germanium, silicon, and selenium are all semiconductors used extensively in electronics for their ability to conduct electricity under certain conditions, while arsenic, although used as a doping agent in semiconductors, is not a semiconductor itself.
The characteristic of a superconductor is zero permittivity. Superconductors exhibit the unique property of having no electrical resistance when cooled below a certain critical temperature, allowing electric current to flow without any energy loss. This phenomenon is utilized in various ...
Light travels in optical fibers due to total internal reflection. This phenomenon occurs when light strikes the boundary of the fiber core at an angle greater than the critical angle, causing it to reflect back into the core rather than ...
A magnifying lens is a convex lens that is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges. It is used to enlarge the apparent size of objects when viewed through it by bending light rays inward, causing them to ...
Lambert’s law relates to the absorption of light by a material. It describes how the intensity of light absorbed by a material is directly proportional to the thickness of the material and the concentration of the absorbing substance.
A cylindrical lens is used to correct the defect of astigmatism. This lens has different curvatures in different meridians, allowing it to compensate for the uneven curvature of the cornea or lens of the eye, thereby improving vision for astigmatic ...
To an astronaut in outer space, the sky appears black. This is because there is no atmosphere to scatter sunlight and create the blue sky effect seen from Earth. Instead, the darkness of space dominates the visual field, punctuated by ...
The photoelectric effect confirms the particle nature of radiation. It demonstrates that light can behave as discrete particles (photons), where each photon carries a specific amount of energy that can eject electrons from a material, a phenomenon inconsistent with wave ...