The fall of Jacobin allowed the wealthier middle class to seize the power and ruled through an Executive, made up of five members, called DIRECTORY. For more answers visit to website:
The fall of Jacobin allowed the wealthier middle class to seize the power and ruled through an Executive, made up of five members, called DIRECTORY.
The privilege of exemption from paying any taxes to church or state by the first and second Estate members of French revolution just because of their birth in that Estate was called 'privilege by birth'. For more answers visit to website: more
The privilege of exemption from paying any taxes to church or state by the first and second Estate members of French revolution just because of their birth in that Estate was called ‘privilege by birth’.
An extreme situation prevailed where the basic means of livelihood were endangered-called subsistence crisis. For more answers visit to website:
An extreme situation prevailed where the basic means of livelihood were endangered-called subsistence crisis.
Estate General was a political organisation in France prior to 1789 revolution in which all the Estates sent their representatives. For more answers visit to website:
Estate General was a political organisation in France prior to 1789 revolution in which all the Estates sent their representatives.
What was rule of Directory in the history of French Revolution?
The fall of Jacobin allowed the wealthier middle class to seize the power and ruled through an Executive, made up of five members, called DIRECTORY. For more answers visit to website:
The fall of Jacobin allowed the wealthier middle class to seize the power and ruled through an Executive, made up of five members, called DIRECTORY.
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When was slavery abolished from all the colonies of France?
1848 For more answers visit to website:
For more answers visit to website:
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What do you understand by the term ‘privilege by birth’ in connection with French revolution?
The privilege of exemption from paying any taxes to church or state by the first and second Estate members of French revolution just because of their birth in that Estate was called 'privilege by birth'. For more answers visit to website: more
The privilege of exemption from paying any taxes to church or state by the first and second Estate members of French revolution just because of their birth in that Estate was called ‘privilege by birth’.
For more answers visit to website:
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What do you mean by the term ‘subsistence crises’?
An extreme situation prevailed where the basic means of livelihood were endangered-called subsistence crisis. For more answers visit to website:
An extreme situation prevailed where the basic means of livelihood were endangered-called subsistence crisis.
For more answers visit to website:
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What was Estate general?
Estate General was a political organisation in France prior to 1789 revolution in which all the Estates sent their representatives. For more answers visit to website:
Estate General was a political organisation in France prior to 1789 revolution in which all the Estates sent their representatives.
For more answers visit to website:
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