Major problem of fishery (or fish farming). It is procurement of pure seeds 9f high quality fish. This problem his been solved through hypophysation or hormonal treatment of selected fishes in breeding hapas.
Major problem of fishery (or fish farming). It is procurement of pure seeds 9f high quality fish. This problem his been solved through hypophysation or hormonal treatment of selected fishes in breeding hapas.
The two ways of obtaining fish are (i) Capture fishery. Fish is caught from natural waters both marine as well as inland (freshwater bodies). (ii) Culture fishery. Fish is grown in water bodies through human efforts. The mature fish is harvested.
The two ways of obtaining fish are
(i) Capture fishery. Fish is caught from natural waters both marine as well as inland (freshwater bodies).
(ii) Culture fishery. Fish is grown in water bodies through human efforts. The mature fish is harvested.
Indian poultry breed - Aseel Foreign poultry breed - Loghorn. Desirable trait after cross breeding - Better quantity and quality of eggs and meat with good tolerance of local conditions.
Indian poultry breed – Aseel
Foreign poultry breed – Loghorn.
Desirable trait after cross breeding – Better quantity and quality of eggs and meat with good tolerance of local conditions.
Larger sized birds require more feed. Summer adaptation is connected with egg laying. Little summer adaptation reduces egg laying. In order to get small-sized poultry birds having summer adaptability, it is desirable to (i) Either introduce the required exotic birds from outside and (ii) Cross breedRead more
Larger sized birds require more feed. Summer adaptation is connected with egg laying. Little summer adaptation reduces egg laying. In order to get small-sized poultry birds having summer adaptability, it is desirable to (i) Either introduce the required exotic birds from outside and (ii) Cross breed the local birds with exotic birds from outside. Small sized poultry birds are preferred for (a)’Lower requirement of feed (b) Higher egg laying capacity; (c) Lower requirement for space.
Pesticides are -very toxic substances, they should not be used indiscriminately. Only very accurate dose should-be applied at appropriate time. Even slight excess of the pesticides is extremely harmful. (i) Pesticides are harmful to soil biota. Therefore, they reduce soil fertility. (ii) They pass iRead more
Pesticides are -very toxic substances, they should not be used indiscriminately. Only very accurate dose
should-be applied at appropriate time. Even slight excess of the pesticides is extremely harmful.
(i) Pesticides are harmful to soil biota. Therefore, they reduce soil fertility.
(ii) They pass into ground water and make it toxic.
(iii) They enter the crop plants and make their products (leaves, stem, flowers, fruits and seeds) toxic.
(iv) Pesticides pass into surface water through run off form sprayed fields and harm the aquatic biota.
what is the major problem faced in fish farming? How can it be overcome.
Major problem of fishery (or fish farming). It is procurement of pure seeds 9f high quality fish. This problem his been solved through hypophysation or hormonal treatment of selected fishes in breeding hapas.
Major problem of fishery (or fish farming). It is procurement of pure seeds 9f high quality fish. This problem his been solved through hypophysation or hormonal treatment of selected fishes in breeding hapas.
See lessWhat are the two ways of obtaining fish?
The two ways of obtaining fish are (i) Capture fishery. Fish is caught from natural waters both marine as well as inland (freshwater bodies). (ii) Culture fishery. Fish is grown in water bodies through human efforts. The mature fish is harvested.
The two ways of obtaining fish are
See less(i) Capture fishery. Fish is caught from natural waters both marine as well as inland (freshwater bodies).
(ii) Culture fishery. Fish is grown in water bodies through human efforts. The mature fish is harvested.
Give one example of an Indian and foreign poultry breed which when crossed produce an improved variety. List any one desirable trait expected from such cross breeding.
Indian poultry breed - Aseel Foreign poultry breed - Loghorn. Desirable trait after cross breeding - Better quantity and quality of eggs and meat with good tolerance of local conditions.
Indian poultry breed – Aseel
See lessForeign poultry breed – Loghorn.
Desirable trait after cross breeding – Better quantity and quality of eggs and meat with good tolerance of local conditions.
What would happen if poultry birds are larger in size and have no summer adaptation capacity? In order to get small sized poultry birds having summer adaptability, what methods will be employed?
Larger sized birds require more feed. Summer adaptation is connected with egg laying. Little summer adaptation reduces egg laying. In order to get small-sized poultry birds having summer adaptability, it is desirable to (i) Either introduce the required exotic birds from outside and (ii) Cross breedRead more
Larger sized birds require more feed. Summer adaptation is connected with egg laying. Little summer adaptation reduces egg laying. In order to get small-sized poultry birds having summer adaptability, it is desirable to (i) Either introduce the required exotic birds from outside and (ii) Cross breed the local birds with exotic birds from outside. Small sized poultry birds are preferred for (a)’Lower requirement of feed (b) Higher egg laying capacity; (c) Lower requirement for space.
See lessDiscuss why the pesticides are used in very accurate concentration and at very appropriate time.
Pesticides are -very toxic substances, they should not be used indiscriminately. Only very accurate dose should-be applied at appropriate time. Even slight excess of the pesticides is extremely harmful. (i) Pesticides are harmful to soil biota. Therefore, they reduce soil fertility. (ii) They pass iRead more
Pesticides are -very toxic substances, they should not be used indiscriminately. Only very accurate dose
See lessshould-be applied at appropriate time. Even slight excess of the pesticides is extremely harmful.
(i) Pesticides are harmful to soil biota. Therefore, they reduce soil fertility.
(ii) They pass into ground water and make it toxic.
(iii) They enter the crop plants and make their products (leaves, stem, flowers, fruits and seeds) toxic.
(iv) Pesticides pass into surface water through run off form sprayed fields and harm the aquatic biota.