(i) Growth of urban population. (ii) Export market became bigger. (iii) Spread of railways made it easy to transport the grain from the wheat growing regions to the eastern coast for export.
(i) Growth of urban population.
(ii) Export market became bigger.
(iii) Spread of railways made it easy to transport the grain from the wheat growing regions to the eastern coast for export.
(l) The poor could no longer collect their firewood from the forests or graze their cattle on the commons. (ii) They could no longer collect apples or berries.
(l) The poor could no longer collect their firewood from the forests or graze their cattle on the commons.
(ii) They could no longer collect apples or berries.
From the late nineteenth century, what were the reasons for a dramatic expansion of wheat production in the USA?
(i) Growth of urban population. (ii) Export market became bigger. (iii) Spread of railways made it easy to transport the grain from the wheat growing regions to the eastern coast for export.
(i) Growth of urban population.
See less(ii) Export market became bigger.
(iii) Spread of railways made it easy to transport the grain from the wheat growing regions to the eastern coast for export.
What was the main effect of modern agriculture on the richer farmers in England ?
The richer farmers expanded grain production, sold this in the world market, made profit and became powerful.
The richer farmers expanded grain production, sold this in the world market, made profit and became powerful.
See lessGive one reason for buying the threshing machines by the farmers.
One reason for buying the threshing machines was the insolence of labourers, their drinking habits, and difficulty of making them work.
One reason for buying the threshing machines was the insolence of labourers, their
See lessdrinking habits, and difficulty of making them work.
State any two effects of the enclosures on the poor.
(l) The poor could no longer collect their firewood from the forests or graze their cattle on the commons. (ii) They could no longer collect apples or berries.
(l) The poor could no longer collect their firewood from the forests or graze their cattle on the commons.
See less(ii) They could no longer collect apples or berries.
What was the use of planting turnip and clover by the peasants in England?
(i ) The planting of turnip and clover improved the soil and made it more fertile. (ii) Turnip was, moreover, a good fodder crop relished by cattle.
(i ) The planting of turnip and clover improved the soil and made it more fertile.
See less(ii) Turnip was, moreover, a good fodder crop relished by cattle.