(i) French Revolution was fought by all unprivileged sections of the French society like-merchants, peasants, landless-labourers, women etc. (ii) All had their own believes and aspiration from French Revolution. (iii) They aspired for a better life in terms of food and work, (iv) However it didn'tRead more
(i) French Revolution was fought by all unprivileged sections of the French society like-merchants, peasants, landless-labourers, women etc.
(ii) All had their own believes and aspiration from French Revolution.
(iii) They aspired for a better life in terms of food and work,
(iv) However it didn’t fulfil those aspirations, like political rights was reserved for wealthy class, women had to fight for almost two century before they got voting rights in 1946.
(v) Actually its very own principles of liberty and equality were violated when they denied the rights to its poor citizen, women and slaves who got emancipated ultimately in 1848.
(i) In 1791 the National Assembly completed the draft of the constitution. (ii) The constitution began with a declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, (iii) Rights such as right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, equality before law were established as natural and inalienable rights. (Read more
(i) In 1791 the National Assembly completed the draft of the constitution. (ii) The constitution began with a declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, (iii) Rights such as right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, equality before law were established as natural and inalienable rights. (iv) These rights were considered as a right by birth which cannot be taken away (v) It was the duty of state to protect each citizen’s natural rights.
(i) The production of food grain didn't keep pace with the rapid increase in population, so the price of bread rose rapidly. (ii) As wages were fixed for the workers, the rising price of bread got out of their reach, (iii) Situation worsen whenever there was drought or hail and thus an extreme situaRead more
(i) The production of food grain didn’t keep pace with the rapid increase in population, so the price of bread rose rapidly. (ii) As wages were fixed for the workers, the rising price of bread got out of their reach, (iii) Situation worsen whenever there was drought or hail and thus an extreme situation prevailed where the basic means of livelihood were endangered-called subsistence crisis (iv)This situation triggered the bell of French Revolution as angry women stormed into the bakery shop after spending hours in long queues as cold winter had destroyed the harvest. (v) They marched towards the king’s palace asking for bread, while their men were striking in tennis court for justice. This led to a chain of events which culminated in French Revolution.
(i) After the fall of Jacobin govt, wealthier middle class once again got an opportunity to seize power, (ii) A new constitution denied the vote to non-propertied sections of society and had provisions for two legislative council ,a safeguard against concentration of power in one hand, (iii) This thRead more
(i) After the fall of Jacobin govt, wealthier middle class once again got an opportunity to seize power, (ii) A new constitution denied the vote to non-propertied sections of society and had provisions for two legislative council ,a safeguard against concentration of power in one hand, (iii) This then appointed a five member executive, known as Directory. (iv) However the Directors often clashed with the legislative councils, who then sought to dismiss them (v) This political instability of directory paved the way for the rise of military dictator, Napoleon who between 1793 to 1796 conquered most of the central Europe and defeated Austria, Prussia and Russia to become national Hero.
The legacy left behind by the French revolution wer (i) End of feudal privileges (ii) The ideal of liberty (iii) The principal of equality (iv) The sense of brotherhood (v) The idea of democracy For more answers visit to website: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-9/social-scRead more
The legacy left behind by the French revolution wer (i) End of feudal privileges (ii) The ideal of liberty (iii) The principal of equality (iv) The sense of brotherhood (v) The idea of democracy
“French Revolution didn’t fulfil the aspiration of all the sections of society.” Explain your answer with suitable argument.
(i) French Revolution was fought by all unprivileged sections of the French society like-merchants, peasants, landless-labourers, women etc. (ii) All had their own believes and aspiration from French Revolution. (iii) They aspired for a better life in terms of food and work, (iv) However it didn'tRead more
(i) French Revolution was fought by all unprivileged sections of the French society like-merchants, peasants, landless-labourers, women etc.
(ii) All had their own believes and aspiration from French Revolution.
(iii) They aspired for a better life in terms of food and work,
(iv) However it didn’t fulfil those aspirations, like political rights was reserved for wealthy class, women had to fight for almost two century before they got voting rights in 1946.
(v) Actually its very own principles of liberty and equality were violated when they denied the rights to its poor citizen, women and slaves who got emancipated ultimately in 1848.
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Which rights were described as the “Natural and inalienable” by the French constitution of 1791?
(i) In 1791 the National Assembly completed the draft of the constitution. (ii) The constitution began with a declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, (iii) Rights such as right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, equality before law were established as natural and inalienable rights. (Read more
(i) In 1791 the National Assembly completed the draft of the constitution.
(ii) The constitution began with a declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen,
(iii) Rights such as right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, equality before law were established as natural and inalienable rights.
(iv) These rights were considered as a right by birth which cannot be taken away
(v) It was the duty of state to protect each citizen’s natural rights.
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What was subsistence crisis in France? How it triggered the French Revolution?
(i) The production of food grain didn't keep pace with the rapid increase in population, so the price of bread rose rapidly. (ii) As wages were fixed for the workers, the rising price of bread got out of their reach, (iii) Situation worsen whenever there was drought or hail and thus an extreme situaRead more
(i) The production of food grain didn’t keep pace with the rapid increase in population, so the price of bread rose rapidly.
(ii) As wages were fixed for the workers, the rising price of bread got out of their reach,
(iii) Situation worsen whenever there was drought or hail and thus an extreme situation prevailed where the basic means of livelihood were endangered-called subsistence crisis
(iv)This situation triggered the bell of French Revolution as angry women stormed into the bakery shop after spending hours in long queues as cold winter had destroyed the harvest.
(v) They marched towards the king’s palace asking for bread, while their men were striking in tennis court for justice. This led to a chain of events which culminated in French Revolution.
For more answers visit to website:
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Explain the rise of Napoleon?
(i) After the fall of Jacobin govt, wealthier middle class once again got an opportunity to seize power, (ii) A new constitution denied the vote to non-propertied sections of society and had provisions for two legislative council ,a safeguard against concentration of power in one hand, (iii) This thRead more
(i) After the fall of Jacobin govt, wealthier middle class once again got an opportunity to seize power,
(ii) A new constitution denied the vote to non-propertied sections of society and had provisions for two legislative council ,a safeguard against concentration of power in one hand,
(iii) This then appointed a five member executive, known as Directory.
(iv) However the Directors often clashed with the legislative councils, who then sought to dismiss them
(v) This political instability of directory paved the way for the rise of military dictator, Napoleon who between 1793 to 1796 conquered most of the central Europe and defeated Austria, Prussia and Russia to become national Hero.
For more answers visit to website:
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What legacy was left behind by the French revolution for the world?
The legacy left behind by the French revolution wer (i) End of feudal privileges (ii) The ideal of liberty (iii) The principal of equality (iv) The sense of brotherhood (v) The idea of democracy For more answers visit to website: https://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-9/social-scRead more
The legacy left behind by the French revolution wer
(i) End of feudal privileges
(ii) The ideal of liberty
(iii) The principal of equality
(iv) The sense of brotherhood
(v) The idea of democracy
For more answers visit to website:
See lesshttps://www.tiwariacademy.com/ncert-solutions/class-9/social-science/