The village of Palampur, described in CBSE NCERT Social Science Class 9 chapter The Story of Village Palampur, showcases a well-developed rural economy. Farming is the primary occupation, where modern techniques like HYV seeds fertilizers and irrigation enhance productivity. Besides ...
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Village Palampur gives a detailed insight into rural life and economic activities. The village has a well-developed system of farming, where modern techniques like HYV seeds, fertilizers and irrigation improve productivity. Apart from agriculture, people engage in non-farming activities such ...
The chapter The Story of Village Palampur explains how different economic activities take place in a village. It describes farming as the main occupation and highlights the use of modern farming methods like HYV seeds and fertilizers. It also explains ...
The concept of probability plays a vital role in mathematics, and CBSE 2024-2025 NCERT Maths Class 11th Chapter 14 Probability provides a strong foundation for it. This chapter covers random experiments, outcomes, sample space, events and probability of events. MCQ ...
Making predictions based on chance is a key mathematical concept and CBSE 2024-2025 NCERT Maths Class 11th Chapter 14 Probability introduces students to its fundamentals. This chapter covers important topics such as random experiments, outcomes, sample space, events and probability ...