(a) Suppose on hammering or beating the sample it converts into sheets, then it is a metal otherwise a non-metal because metals are malleable whereas non metals are not. If we use the battery, bulb, wires, and a switch to make up a circuit. If these samples conduct electricity, then it is a metal,Read more
(a) Suppose on hammering or beating the sample it converts into sheets, then it is a metal otherwise a non-metal because metals are malleable whereas non metals are not. If we use the battery, bulb, wires, and a switch to make up a circuit. If these samples conduct electricity, then it is a metal, otherwise a non-metal.
(b) As these tests are based on the physical properties. No chemical reactions occurs or are required in these tests. Therefore, the above tests are useful in distinguishing between metals and nonmetals.
Metals that are present at the top reactivity series are more reactive like potassium and sodium. So hydrogen displaced from dilute acids. Metals that are less reactive than hydrogen do not displace it that are present at the bottom of reactivity series like copper and silver.
Metals that are present at the top reactivity series are more reactive like potassium and sodium. So hydrogen displaced from dilute acids. Metals that are less reactive than hydrogen do not displace it that are present at the bottom of reactivity series like copper and silver.
While electrolytic refining of a metal M: Impure metal M will be taken as anode. Thin strips of pure metal M will be taken as cathode. Solution of salt of the metal M as electrolyte.
While electrolytic refining of a metal M:
Impure metal M will be taken as anode.
Thin strips of pure metal M will be taken as cathode.
Why are food cans coated with tin and not with zinc?
(c) Zinc is more reactive than tin therefore food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc.
(c) Zinc is more reactive than tin therefore food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc.
See lessYou are given a hammer, a battery, a bulb, wires and a switch.
(a) Suppose on hammering or beating the sample it converts into sheets, then it is a metal otherwise a non-metal because metals are malleable whereas non metals are not. If we use the battery, bulb, wires, and a switch to make up a circuit. If these samples conduct electricity, then it is a metal,Read more
(a) Suppose on hammering or beating the sample it converts into sheets, then it is a metal otherwise a non-metal because metals are malleable whereas non metals are not. If we use the battery, bulb, wires, and a switch to make up a circuit. If these samples conduct electricity, then it is a metal, otherwise a non-metal.
(b) As these tests are based on the physical properties. No chemical reactions occurs or are required in these tests. Therefore, the above tests are useful in distinguishing between metals and nonmetals.
See lessWhat are amphoteric oxides? Give two examples of amphoteric oxides.
Those oxides that behave both as acidic and basic oxides are called amphoteric oxides. Examples: Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), zinc oxide (ZnO)
Those oxides that behave both as acidic and basic oxides are called amphoteric oxides.
Examples: Aluminium oxide (Al2O3), zinc oxide (ZnO)
Name two metals which will displace hydrogen from dilute acids, and two metals which will not.
Metals that are present at the top reactivity series are more reactive like potassium and sodium. So hydrogen displaced from dilute acids. Metals that are less reactive than hydrogen do not displace it that are present at the bottom of reactivity series like copper and silver.
Metals that are present at the top reactivity series are more reactive like potassium and sodium. So hydrogen displaced from dilute acids. Metals that are less reactive than hydrogen do not displace it that are present at the bottom of reactivity series like copper and silver.
See lessIn the electrolytic refining of a metal M, what would you take as the anode, the cathode and the electrolyte?
While electrolytic refining of a metal M: Impure metal M will be taken as anode. Thin strips of pure metal M will be taken as cathode. Solution of salt of the metal M as electrolyte.
While electrolytic refining of a metal M:
Impure metal M will be taken as anode.
Thin strips of pure metal M will be taken as cathode.
Solution of salt of the metal M as electrolyte.