Gārgī, a rishika, challenged Yājñavalkya with questions about the nature of the world and, eventually, the nature of brahman. Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots Class 6 NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Session 2024-2025.
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Nachiketa went to Yama’s world because his father, in anger, said he would give him to Yama during a ritual. Class VI Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots
King Janaka announced a prize for the winner of a philosophical debate. NCERT Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Class 6 Social Science Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots Session 2024-2025.
Yama taught Nachiketa that the ātman, or self, is immortal, hidden within all creatures, and neither born nor does it die. Class VI NCERT Social Science NCERT Social Science Textbook Exploring Society India and Beyond Session 2024-2025.
Nachiketa asked Yama what happens after death. Yama initially tried to avoid answering, but eventually responded due to Nachiketa’s persistence. NCERT Book Exploring Society India and Beyond Class 6 Class 6 Social Science NCERT Chapter 7 India’s Cultural Roots.