The formation of a rainbow is due to the refraction, dispersion, and reflection of sunlight by water droplets in the atmosphere. Sunlight entering the droplets is refracted, split into its component colors, internally reflected, and then refracted again as it ...
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Total internal reflection occurs when light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, with an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle. This phenomenon causes the light to be completely reflected back into the denser medium, rather ...
When a ray of light travels from a rarer medium to a denser medium, it gets bent towards the normal. This bending occurs because the light slows down in the denser medium, causing the direction of the ray to shift ...
A stick immersed in water appears bent due to the refraction of light. When light travels from water to air, it bends at the interface. This bending alters the apparent position of the stick, making it look bent at the ...
An object above the water surface appears higher than its actual position to a person underwater due to the refraction of light. As light travels from air to water, it bends towards the normal, causing the object to appear elevated, ...
The sea appears blue primarily due to the scattering of sunlight by water molecules and particles suspended in the water. This scattering selectively absorbs and reflects light wavelengths, predominantly scattering shorter blue wavelengths, which gives the sea its characteristic blue ...
Red light is used for danger signals because it is less scattered compared to other colors. This characteristic allows red light to travel longer distances without dispersing, ensuring that warning signals remain clearly visible even in conditions where visibility may ...
A spherical air bubble embedded in glass behaves optically like a converging lens. Due to the curvature of the bubble’s surfaces, it causes light rays passing through it to converge, similar to how a convex lens bends light towards a ...
Diffusion of light in the atmosphere occurs primarily due to the presence of dust particles. These microscopic particles scatter sunlight as it passes through the atmosphere, causing the sky to appear blue during the day and red or orange during ...
When a light ray passes from one medium to another, its frequency remains the same while its wavelength changes. The speed of light varies in different media, causing the wavelength to alter to maintain the constant frequency characteristic of the ...