Units of length such as kilo-metre, metre, centi-metre, and milli-metre should be written in lowercase, except at the beginning of a sentence. Their symbols (km, m, cm, mm) are also lowercase and should not be followed by an ‘s’ for pluralization.
Units of length such as kilo-metre, metre, centi-metre, and milli-metre should be written in lowercase, except at the beginning of a sentence. Their symbols (km, m, cm, mm) are also lowercase and should not be followed by an ‘s’ for pluralization.
A measuring tape is preferred for measuring a tree's girth because it is flexible and can easily conform to the tree's curved surface. In contrast, a metre scale is rigid and impractical for wrapping around irregular shapes, making accurate measurements difficult.
A measuring tape is preferred for measuring a tree’s girth because it is flexible and can easily conform to the tree’s curved surface. In contrast, a metre scale is rigid and impractical for wrapping around irregular shapes, making accurate measurements difficult.
A 15-cm scale is appropriate for measuring the length of a pencil. It provides precise measurements for small objects, ensuring accuracy in determining the pencil's length within its manageable range.
A 15-cm scale is appropriate for measuring the length of a pencil. It provides precise measurements for small objects, ensuring accuracy in determining the pencil’s length within its manageable range.
How should units of length like kilometre and metre be written in terms of capitalization and pluralization?
Units of length such as kilo-metre, metre, centi-metre, and milli-metre should be written in lowercase, except at the beginning of a sentence. Their symbols (km, m, cm, mm) are also lowercase and should not be followed by an ‘s’ for pluralization.
Units of length such as kilo-metre, metre, centi-metre, and milli-metre should be written in lowercase, except at the beginning of a sentence. Their symbols (km, m, cm, mm) are also lowercase and should not be followed by an ‘s’ for pluralization.
See lessWhy is a measuring tape preferred over a metre scale for measuring the girth of a tree?
A measuring tape is preferred for measuring a tree's girth because it is flexible and can easily conform to the tree's curved surface. In contrast, a metre scale is rigid and impractical for wrapping around irregular shapes, making accurate measurements difficult.
A measuring tape is preferred for measuring a tree’s girth because it is flexible and can easily conform to the tree’s curved surface. In contrast, a metre scale is rigid and impractical for wrapping around irregular shapes, making accurate measurements difficult.
See lessWhat type of measuring tool is appropriate for measuring the length of a pencil?
A 15-cm scale is appropriate for measuring the length of a pencil. It provides precise measurements for small objects, ensuring accuracy in determining the pencil's length within its manageable range.
A 15-cm scale is appropriate for measuring the length of a pencil. It provides precise measurements for small objects, ensuring accuracy in determining the pencil’s length within its manageable range.
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