10th History term 1 exams MCQ Solutions Class X Social Science CBSE Based MCQ Questions Class 10 Social science Session 2022-2023
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Naval Kishor
Asked: In: Class 10 Social Science
MCQ Questions Solutions For Class 10 Social Science Class X History Terminal Exams MCQ Sample paper 10th History Session 2022-23
10th HISTORY CBSC MCQ SAMPLE PAPER QUESTIONS ANSWERS Class 10 History Important Syllabus MCQ Solutions Class X Social science Session 2022-2023
Asked: In: Class 10 Science
As the two refracting surfaces AB and AC are not parallel to each other, the emergent ray is also not parallel to the incident ray. Whereas, in a glass slab, the two refracting surfaces are parallel to each other which ...
You must know that when we do exercise our body requires more energy. Due to exercise the body is able to get rid of excess carbon dioxide (CO₂). But remember, we get energy by the oxidation of food.