Credit card is not a form of money. The reason is that money is what we pay to people and company for things we purchase. On the other hand credit card is a store of wealth lent by the bank.
Credit card is not a form of money. The reason is that money is what we pay to people and company for things we purchase. On the other hand credit card is a store of wealth lent by the bank.
The phenomena that affects the demand of other one product and services. Because the prices of primary product and services increased. Example - Rise in fuel prices raised the demand of electric cars.
The phenomena that affects the demand of other one product and services. Because the prices of primary product and services increased.
Example – Rise in fuel prices raised the demand of electric cars.
Is credit card a form of money?
Credit card is not a form of money. The reason is that money is what we pay to people and company for things we purchase. On the other hand credit card is a store of wealth lent by the bank.
Credit card is not a form of money. The reason is that money is what we pay to people and company for things we purchase. On the other hand credit card is a store of wealth lent by the bank.
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The phenomena that affects the demand of other one product and services. Because the prices of primary product and services increased. Example - Rise in fuel prices raised the demand of electric cars.
The phenomena that affects the demand of other one product and services. Because the prices of primary product and services increased.
See lessExample – Rise in fuel prices raised the demand of electric cars.