Greenhouse effect (= global warming) is keeping an area warm by allowing the solar radiations to pass in but preventing long wavelength heat waves to escape due to presence of radiatively active gases and glasspanes.
Greenhouse effect (= global warming) is keeping an area warm by allowing the solar radiations to pass in but preventing long wavelength heat waves to escape due to presence of radiatively active gases and glasspanes.
What do you mean by global warming?
Global warming is raising the temperature of surface of Earth and nearby atmosphere (due to green house effect).
Global warming is raising the temperature of surface of Earth and nearby atmosphere (due to green house effect).
See lessWhat are greenhouse gases?
Green house gases (GHGs) are radioactively active gases which allow the solar radiations to pass through but reflect back long wave heat radiations.
Green house gases (GHGs) are radioactively active gases which allow the solar radiations to pass through but reflect back long wave heat radiations.
See lessWhat is greenhouse effect?
Greenhouse effect (= global warming) is keeping an area warm by allowing the solar radiations to pass in but preventing long wavelength heat waves to escape due to presence of radiatively active gases and glasspanes.
Greenhouse effect (= global warming) is keeping an area warm by allowing the solar radiations to pass in but preventing long wavelength heat waves to escape due to presence of radiatively active gases and glasspanes.
See lessWhat is green house?
Green house is a glass enclosure that is used for growing tropical plants in colder areas even during the winter.
Green house is a glass enclosure that is used for growing tropical plants in colder areas even during the winter.
See lessWhat is the reason of increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
Deforestation and increased combustion of fossil fuels.
Deforestation and increased combustion of fossil fuels.
See lessName the process which causes a long term withdrawal of carbon from carbon cycle?
Formation of carbonate or limestone rocks.
Formation of carbonate or limestone rocks.
See lessWhat is denitrification?
Denitrification is reduction of nitrates into gaseous nitrogen which escapes from soil into atmosphere.
Denitrification is reduction of nitrates into gaseous nitrogen which escapes from soil into atmosphere.
See lessName the types of bacteria involved in nitrification.
Nitrifiation is performed by two types of bacteria(i) Nitrite bacteria, e.g., Nitromonas; (ii) Nitrate bacteria, e.g., Nitrobacter
Nitrifiation is performed by two types of bacteria(i) Nitrite bacteria, e.g., Nitromonas; (ii) Nitrate bacteria, e.g., Nitrobacter
See lessDefine nitrification.
Nitrification is oxidation of ammonia (released during ammonification) into nitrate state,
Nitrification is oxidation of ammonia (released during ammonification) into nitrate state,
See lessName a bacterium that causes ammonification.
Bacillus ramosus.
Bacillus ramosus.
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