Excessive quantities of chemicals (fertilizers, weedicides, pesticides etc.) washed from the fields enter into ponds. These act as nutrients for algae to flourish. Once these algae die, they serve as food for decomposers like bacteria. In this process a lot of oxygen in these ponds gets used up. ThiRead more
Excessive quantities of chemicals (fertilizers, weedicides, pesticides etc.) washed from the fields enter into ponds. These act as nutrients for algae to flourish. Once these algae die, they serve as food for decomposers like bacteria. In this process a lot of oxygen in these ponds gets used up. This results in a decrease in the oxygen level, which kills aquatic organisms.This process is caled electrophication
Why does the increased level of nutrients in the water affect the survival of aquatic organisms?
Excessive quantities of chemicals (fertilizers, weedicides, pesticides etc.) washed from the fields enter into ponds. These act as nutrients for algae to flourish. Once these algae die, they serve as food for decomposers like bacteria. In this process a lot of oxygen in these ponds gets used up. ThiRead more
Excessive quantities of chemicals (fertilizers, weedicides, pesticides etc.) washed from the fields enter into ponds. These act as nutrients for algae to flourish. Once these algae die, they serve as food for decomposers like bacteria. In this process a lot of oxygen in these ponds gets used up. This results in a decrease in the oxygen level, which kills aquatic organisms.This process is caled electrophication
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