Using hormonal stimulation in fish breeding ensures the supply of pure fish seed in desired quantities, overcoming the issues of seasonal breeding and mixed-species seed collection from the wild.
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Rahul Sangvi
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
The problem of obtaining good-quality fish seed has been addressed by developing methods to breed fish in ponds using hormonal stimulation, ensuring a consistent supply of pure fish seed.
When fish seed is collected from the wild, it can be mixed with the seed of other species, leading to a lack of pure, high-quality seed for fish farming.
Rahul Sangvi
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
Composite fish culture is problematic during the monsoon season because many of these fish species only breed during this time, making it difficult to ensure a consistent supply of fish seed throughout the year.
Rahul Sangvi
Asked: In: Class 9 Science
The benefit of using hormonal stimulation for breeding fish in ponds is that it ensures the supply of pure fish seed in the desired quantities.