Āsanas should be performed in a clean, ventilated space using a mat. Practice on an empty stomach, wearing loose clothing. Remove accessories, follow instructions, stay relaxed, focus on breathing and seek teacher guidance. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter ...
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Daily practice of Āsanas improves strength, flexibility, and balance, enhances the functioning of internal organs, calms the mind, reduces stress and fosters a deeper connection between the body and mind for overall well-being. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter ...
Mahārṣi Patanjali defines Āsana as “Sthirm Sukham Āsanam,” meaning a posture that is steady and comfortable. It enables individuals to remain in a relaxed position for extended periods, promoting balance and ease. Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V ...
Ardhacakrāsana prepares the spine and chest through backward bending, while Pādahastāsana focuses on forward bending to loosen hamstrings and strengthen the back. Together, they enhance flexibility and readiness for Sūrya Namaskāra poses. Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V ...
Ardhacakrāsana stretches the spine and opens the chest, improving flexibility, while Pādahastāsana strengthens the back and stretches the hamstrings. Both postures enhance circulation and prepare the body for the Sūrya Namaskāra sequence. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 Chapter ...
Ekapāda and Dvi Pāda Pavanamuktāsana Kriyas involve one-leg and both-leg movements, respectively. These practices release spinal tension, enhance flexibility, improve blood circulation and strengthen the lower back and core muscles. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 Chapter 1 Yoga ...
Common practices include jogging in place, forward and backward bending, side bending, leg swings, rotations and spinal twists. These movements warm up the body, increase circulation and enhance flexibility in different muscle groups. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 ...
Śithalīkarana Vyāyāma consists of dynamic exercises to warm up the body, improve joint mobility and prepare large muscles and the spine for Yoga poses (Āsanas), ensuring better flexibility and reduced injury risk. Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 Chapter ...
Sūkshma Vyāyāma targets the neck, shoulders, fingers, wrists, knees, and ankles. Neck exercises specifically help release tension, improve flexibility, enhance joint mobility and increase blood flow to the cervical region. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 5 Dharana, Dhyana and ...
Sūkshma Vyāyāma is accessible to all ages, including the elderly and those with limited mobility. Its gentle, simple movements, performed sitting or standing, make it ideal for beginners or individuals with restricted physical abilities. class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter ...