Vishnu Sharma is a legendary Indian scholar and storyteller. Known for his wisdom, he contributed to ancient Indian literature, offering moral and practical insights through his narratives that continue to resonate today.
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“Shrimad Bhagwat is a revered Hindu scripture, part of the Puranas. It narrates the divine stories of Lord Krishna, emphasizing devotion and moral teachings. The text is highly regarded in Hindu philosophy”.
Razmnama is a Persian prose translation commissioned by Emperor Akbar in the 16th century. It narrates a legendary war and its moral lessons, offering a unique cultural perspective.
The Milindapanho is a dialogue between King Milinda (Menander I), who ruled parts of northwestern India in the 2nd century BCE, and the Buddhist monk Nagasena. The dialogue covers a wide range of topics, including philosophy, morality, and the nature ...
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