Dietary fibers and water are essential in our diet as fibers help in the elimination of undigested food and smooth passage of stools, while water is vital for overall bodily functions and maintaining hydration. NCERT Book Curiosity Science Class 6
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Eating locally grown and plant-based foods is beneficial because it is healthy for the body and good for the environment. It supports local agriculture, reduces carbon footprints, and promotes sustainability. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 3 Chapter Mindful Eating: A ...
Dietary fibers, also known as roughage, are essential components of our food that help the body get rid of undigested food and ensure the smooth passage of stools. They do not provide nutrients but are crucial for digestive health. Class ...
It is important to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables to remove dirt, bacteria, and potential pesticides. However, washing cut or peeled produce may result in the loss of some vitamins, but thorough washing is still highly recommended for safety. NCERT ...
Including fruits and uncooked vegetables in our diet can help preserve nutrients that are lost during cooking, such as vitamin C and other heat-sensitive vitamins. Chapter Mindful Eating: A Path to a Healthy body Class VI
When vegetables are cooked, they often lose their bright color, become softer, and less crisp. Some nutrients, like vitamin C, can also be lost due to the high heat of cooking. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 3