(C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the liver cells of vertebrates helps in detoxification. It metabolizes various toxic or toxic substances such as drugs, aspirin, pesticides (DDT), petroleum products and pollutants. These toxic substances enter the body of animals throRead more
(C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the liver cells of vertebrates helps in detoxification. It metabolizes various toxic or toxic substances such as drugs, aspirin, pesticides (DDT), petroleum products and pollutants. These toxic substances enter the body of animals through food, air or water.
(B) Calcium and phosphorus : Bone cells are embedded in a rigid matrix, strengthened by fibers, and hardened by calcium and phosphorus salts. The matrix is deposited as concentric layers of lamellae formed around the central Haversian canal.
(B) Calcium and phosphorus
: Bone cells are embedded in a rigid matrix, strengthened by fibers, and hardened by calcium and phosphorus salts. The matrix is deposited as concentric layers of lamellae formed around the central Haversian canal.
Microbes are referred to as heterotrophs and saprotrophs. They fulfil their energy requirement by feeding on dead remains of plants and animals through the process of decomsposition.
Microbes are referred to as heterotrophs and saprotrophs. They fulfil their energy requirement by feeding on dead remains of plants and animals through the process of decomsposition.
The rate of decomposition is regulated by climatic factors like temperature and soil moisture as they have an effect on the activities of soil microbes. The tropics with its hot and humid climatic condition provides an environment which is ideal for the microbes to speed up the process of decompositRead more
The rate of decomposition is regulated by climatic factors like temperature and soil moisture as they have an effect on the activities of soil microbes. The tropics with its hot and humid climatic condition provides an environment which is ideal for the microbes to speed up the process of decomposition.
Yes. An inverted bell shaped age pyramid is obtained. The young of pre reproductive age group individuals are less in number and both pre reproductive and reproductive stages are in the same level.
Yes. An inverted bell shaped age pyramid is obtained. The young of pre reproductive age group individuals are less in number and both pre reproductive and reproductive stages are in the same level.
Which cell organelle plays a crucial role in detoxifying many poisons and drugs in a cell?
(C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum in the liver cells of vertebrates helps in detoxification. It metabolizes various toxic or toxic substances such as drugs, aspirin, pesticides (DDT), petroleum products and pollutants. These toxic substances enter the body of animals throRead more
(C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
See lessSmooth endoplasmic reticulum in the liver cells of vertebrates helps in detoxification. It metabolizes various toxic or toxic substances such as drugs, aspirin, pesticides (DDT), petroleum products and pollutants. These toxic substances enter the body of animals through food, air or water.
Bone matrix is rich in
(B) Calcium and phosphorus : Bone cells are embedded in a rigid matrix, strengthened by fibers, and hardened by calcium and phosphorus salts. The matrix is deposited as concentric layers of lamellae formed around the central Haversian canal.
(B) Calcium and phosphorus
See less: Bone cells are embedded in a rigid matrix, strengthened by fibers, and hardened by calcium and phosphorus salts. The matrix is deposited as concentric layers of lamellae formed around the central Haversian canal.
Apart from plants and animals, microbes form a permanent biotic component in an ecosystem. While plants have been referred to as autotrophs and animals as heterotrophs, what are microbes referred to as? How do these microbes fulfil their energy requirements?
Microbes are referred to as heterotrophs and saprotrophs. They fulfil their energy requirement by feeding on dead remains of plants and animals through the process of decomsposition.
Microbes are referred to as heterotrophs and saprotrophs. They fulfil their energy requirement by feeding on dead remains of plants and animals through the process of decomsposition.
See lessWhat could be the reason for the fast rate of decomposition in the tropics?
The rate of decomposition is regulated by climatic factors like temperature and soil moisture as they have an effect on the activities of soil microbes. The tropics with its hot and humid climatic condition provides an environment which is ideal for the microbes to speed up the process of decompositRead more
The rate of decomposition is regulated by climatic factors like temperature and soil moisture as they have an effect on the activities of soil microbes. The tropics with its hot and humid climatic condition provides an environment which is ideal for the microbes to speed up the process of decomposition.
See lessIs it Possible to achieve ‘zero population growth rate? If yes, what kind of age pyramid is obtained?
Yes. An inverted bell shaped age pyramid is obtained. The young of pre reproductive age group individuals are less in number and both pre reproductive and reproductive stages are in the same level.
Yes. An inverted bell shaped age pyramid is obtained. The young of pre reproductive age group individuals are less in number and both pre reproductive and reproductive stages are in the same level.
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