The IAU defined an internationally agreed set of constellation boundaries in the early 20th century, officially listing 88 constellations and dividing the entire sky into these regions. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Beyond Earth
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Yes, constellations are still used as a backup navigation method in emergencies, even with modern technology available. Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Beyond Earth NCERT Session 2024-2025.
Constellations are groups of stars forming patterns, and the regions of the sky that include these groups are defined as constellations. Chapter 12 Beyond Earth NCERT Science Textbook Curiosity Science Session 2024-2025.
It was a useful skill for navigation, helping sailors and travelers find directions before the advent of modern technology and compasses. NCERT Book Curiosity Science Class 6 Class 6 Science NCERT Chapter 12
Ancestors identified star patterns with animals, objects, or characters from stories, which helped them recognize stars in the sky. Chapter 12 Beyond Earth NCERT Science Textbook Curiosity Science Session 2024-2025.